30 Dec
Some of us, when we think of a puppy, imagine an adorably tiny dog that can barely open his eyes stumbling around as he explores the world. Others see a whirlwind of doggy energy that can’t keep still for a second because there are too many balls to chase, scents to smell, and things to pee on… and then roll in. There are two reasons for this discrepancy: Puppyhood isn’t something that lasts just a few weeks. Dogs don’t become adults until...
22 Feb
There are more than 150 dog breeds, divided into 8 classes: sporting, hound, working, terrier, toy, non-sporting, herding, and miscellaneous. According to a recent survey, the most popular name for a dog is Max. Other popular names include Molly, Sam, Zach, and Maggie. Dogs can vary in size from a 36 inch (150+ lb.) Great Dane to a 2 lb. Chihuahua. Puppies...