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     A heart-tugging image of a brown Labrador retriever named Hawkeye lying beside the American flag-draped casket of his human companion, Navy SEAL Jon Tumilson, went viral on the internet within hours. Pet lovers were moved by the symbol of loyalty shown by the dog who would not leave his best friend’s side. For many Americans, the image also served as a reminder of the lives that were lost on 9/11 and of those who are still serving in...
   It’s perfectly natural and normal for dogs to occasionally chew on their legs, feet, ears, and tails. This behavior is no different than when you scratch an itch — it provides relief. However, if you notice that your dog is constantly chewing herself, it may indicate a deeper problem — particularly if the chewed area has become sore, red, inflamed, or furless. So what is going on? It may be because of one of the following problems:    Dry...
10 FUN, IMPRESSIVE TRICKS YOU CAN TEACH ANY DOG BySarah Greenwald Source:http://dogtime.com/ January marks the official start of National Train Your Dog Month, but you can teach your dog new things at any time of year. We all love our pets, but sometimes it can feel like your dog is incapable of learning any tricks. While it may feel impossible at times, with the right techniques and proper amount of practice just about any dog can learn. Committing yourself to teaching your dog some...

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